Tina Hage

Exhibition & residency programm


Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

February 2014

Exhibition views


I joined the residency program of Largo das Artes contemporary arts centre in February 2014 - during the carneval season in Rio de Janeiro. The residency was one month long and I could work here further on the series The Place Here. I started developing the work The Place here VIII, which is portraying Niterói bridge. “President Costa e Silva Bridge, commonly known as the Rio–Niterói Bridge, is a box girder bridge crossing Guanabara Bay, in the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It connects the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Niterói. It is currently the second longest bridge in Latin America,...“ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rio%E2%80%93Niter%C3%B3i_Bridge)
I finsihed this work later in 2014 back in London. The works I created in Rio were a very direkt visualisation of what I saw and experienced in my time in this fascinating place.

©Tina Hage 2025